a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726


Happy Monday morning everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!

Since putting out my bird feeders, I have been obsessed with trying to get nice photos of my feathered friends that stop by for a bite to eat! We've mostly had black capped chickadees (like above), they live up in the big pine trees next to our house and fly back and forth to the feeder near the trees.

They make the cutest sounds and they really are quite adorable! They don't seem too afraid of me, I am able to stand about 2 feet from the feeders and they will come right over.

I hope you don't end up too bored with my birds, but I have a feeling I'll be taking many more photos of all of them.

I've got a couple of goals...the red-bellied woodpecker (which I've seen in the pines, but haven't caught yet), a bluebird (one of my favorites), and a male cardinal (which would be especially nice on a snow covered pine branch!)

Have a great day everyone!!!

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