Raecheybaby's Eyes

By raecheybaby

Just like the sea at night

I have had mixed fortunes today. Mostly things went well, but then I recalled what the date was in the early afternoon and from that point things began to slide.

It's 10 months today since my world turned upside down and all my life plans had to change.

With this in mind the fact that my card was declined when I tried to pay for my bike service, my phone battery died when I needed to ring for some help and then having finally called someone and walked home, I stood on Jewel's tail before walking at high speed back to the shop to sort out paying for my bike and taking it home just was too much.

I sat and cried for a few minutes but common sense has reasserted itself and I am calm and have made peace with the cat and thanked my brother and my mother and locked my bike safely away.

On the plus side, I did get all my laundry done and get a good amount of other housework before I found crisis point!

Ah well, back to work tomorrow.

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