Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

Blissfully ignorant

Well...almost. Poor Bee...she know's somethings up. The packing and moving. The fact that we are now using lightweight garden furniture as our dining range. The screeching rip of parcel tape that is pure horror to delicate feline ears. Yet this morning Bee was happily basking in the sun on the window sill, blissfully ignorant that she'll be in a different house in 4 days time.

I'm not really happy with this pic, but it's the best of a bad bunch - the rest are even worse - if I did do flickr they'd be called something like "ornamental cabbage on it's way out", "rubbish wet footprints" and "toddler in hat looking a bit gormless". I'll spare you. I've had better blip days that's for sure.

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