Puppy Pre-school

Photo has nothing to do with my today's first time ever experience of puppy pre-school. As a new dog owner, I decided to attend this social gathering at the veterinary hospital. It was just us, girls. Mr H had to attend some important function.

Puppy in the backpack, on my stomach, off we went on foot. A lovely lady took mercy on us and gave us a lift back.

6 pups in one room. Wow, quite overwhelming for me, never mind them. Lots of dried liver treats was supplied. Then, very cleverly, Dog Appeasing Pheromone was applied to bandannas and these ended up on dogs necks, making them look cute and calming them down withing half an hour. Before the 'drug' kicked in, I had to watch Tilly so that she wouldn't eat the chihuahua and that she wasn't attacked by the American staffy.Actually it was the chihuahua that seemed vicious and the staffy wanted all pig's ears to herself. All in all an interesting evening. Now the dog is pooped and so are we.

There was no chance of taking any photos there between watching the dogs, Hanna spilling a cupful of treats on the floor and fending of random biting attacks. I might try next week. Wish me luck.

Weather report - 35C again. Very, very warm. I think I got my annual vitamin D dose during my lunchtime walk.

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