Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Ava's 7th Birthday Party

Although the weather was cloudy and drizzly in the morning, it cleared up to be a beautiful day for a birthday party in the park for Ava! The only distraction was the gale force winds. It added an extra special challenge to the party and kept us on our toes. You couldn't just put something on a table. You had to anchor it down.

Ava had a wonderful party with her friends. We played in the park, made cat masks and had a photo booth with props where each girl had their picture taken. (Thanks, Dave!!) The props and craft also doubled as party favors.

Ava got out this lovely crown just for cake time and then put it away because she didn't want it to get blow away! She had just received it from her grandparents the day before and wanted to be especially careful with it. Considering she had seen much bigger and heavier things go flying away, it was a valid concern.

Ava loved her party! Success!

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