Bigger than Jesus


The Beatles on the BFI IMAX on the South Bank in London.

My youngest, Stan, took one look at John Lennon and said, "Well, he needs a haircut"! Lol.

I guess they are up there to advertise iTunes (which I hate... as a bit of software at any rate - I've never understood how a company that can make wonderful hardware like the iPhone, the iPad, MacBooks and so on can come up with the complete pile of rubbish that is iTunes). But anyway... seeing as they've sold more than 450,000 albums and 2 million singles in 7 days I guess somebody's doing something right! :-)

I had a ticket to ride up to London today. The train must have taken the long and winding road cos we got there about 40 minutes late. Perhaps I should have chosen to drive my car? Still, travelling by First Great Western I suppose I should have known better. Anyway, I got to my meeting only a little late, which was something. When I got there I said good morning, good morning to the others. I wouldn't say it was a cagey meeting but at times it felt like everybody had something hide except me and my monkey. After the meeting ended I felt like being a day tripper for a bit. I walked over to the South Bank and took this photo to blip from me to you. Then I had to get back to the office. Boy, I'm glad I don't have to travel to London eight days a week.


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