this luminous life.

By Laura

The first time I drove past these birds resting in the water, the entire pond was full. It struck me as odd to see so many of them congregated together in a crowd on a body of water - I also wanted to snap a photo but didn't have my camera with me. I had a feeling these birds were resting for a long journey and about to fly away, so I rushed home (a minutes away), grabbed my camera, and rushed back. Sure enough, more than half the birds were already gone and up in the sky. I still snapped a photo but it wasn't as majestic as what I originally saw. As I got back into my car, the remaining geese took off and began their south-bound flight. Bon voyage!

I've seen quite a few geese blips today.

I guess it must be National Migration Day or something?

a year ago: tree.

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