Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie


My bow is shedding its hairs - not good.

I have three theories:
(1) I left it too long untouched. Note: I am not a firm believer of this theory, as my other bow (that is a LOT older) does not have the same problem,
(2) my kitchen's climate is not doing it good. Well, this could be the case as the violin was also out of tune, but it would also be out of tune just because I did not touch it for a couple of months. Again, the counterexample to this theory is bow nr 1, unless it has different hairs, but they should both have horse hairs,
(3) one of the silverfish that I occasionally catch in my house, got inside the case, and ate through some hairs. Not entirely implausible, as they eat hairs, and because I killed one nearby about a week ago.

Got my case on a chair now - more difficult to reach for the silverfish. I won't have time to play for the next two nights, will see what the state is on Saturday, and if I will accept theory nr. 3 or not.

curves, contrast +5, saturation +5, desaturation of all not-bow

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