red squirrel tales

By mmac

Awaiting the thaw

Tonight at the back of the pottery laden shelf I came across these little snowmen awaiting their fate in the hot searing heat of the kiln.

Snow and heat don't mix..I think back left kinda knows somethings up!

Today I took many shots of the colourful beautiful masterpieces the members at work have done in the studio over the past year as N and I cut mounts together. However it was the snowfall covering the pottery that caught my thoughts at the end of the day.

It fell without me really noticing. Like feeling kinda cold in the night and not really realising it, and then pulling back the curtains in the morning stupor and magic has happened over night startling you from your slumber. C,R and I painted and blethered away with D as he, without me noticing, made it snow. Huh.

The uniform shelf of white was such a contrast to the merry riot of colour that has been blasting my senses as I have been popping in and out the pottery numerous times daily (see yesterday!)

The peaceful intermission seems so appropriate, though I too now can't wait for the thaw when the kiln door opens to reveal the burst of spring colours.

Ok too much metaphor now.

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