Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

My house is in disarray, my son is 200 miles away,

and what do I do? .........go on a night photography course! In my defence, it was optimistically booked a few weeks ago. Still; addicted? No, surely not!

So, my photography life started almost 2 years ago when I went on holiday to Goa, saw some really amazing sights and wished I had a decent camera to record them.

I got my little Canon a few months later, and got increasingly frustrated, shooting purely on automatic mode.

Finally, in February 2010 I attended an amazing 2 day course run by a lovely chap called Nigel; he taught me all about aperture and shutter speed, told me to buy a tripod, and, well, here I am.

It was his night shoot I went on tonight, and again, he didn't let me down, it was a great few hours (if cold) spent by the Thames.

Oh, in case you're wondering, this is the London Eye with tree lights in the foreground.

I know it's past my bed-time, but I'm off now to watch the Ashes.

Night night.

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