
By tookie

Thanks number One son!

Tonight as I reflect on the feast tomorrow and all the gobbling that will go on with friends my thoughts are drawn to family...those that cannot share with us but who are in our hearts. My parents are no longer with us but their spirit is and so many beautiful Thanksgivings were prepared by my mom and her sisters and celebrated in our family home. I remember tearing up the bread for the stuffing and sneaking tidbits of goodies along the way. My Aunt Emily would always be the turkey carver and she would flip a few pieces to the family beagle dog.

My son and his wife will celebrate with good friends tomorrow over in Spokane. We will miss them but I feel so very very blessed and thankful that my son and daughter in law found each other and love each other. It really does warm my heart knowing how caring and loving they both are.

Each time I walk down our hallway I pass this little picture of my son when he was about three or four years old. He was such a cutie and sweet boy and has grown up into a very loving, caring young man. I love you M and because you brought goose into our lives I feel doubly blessed. So here's to loving you both and being thankful for you being in our lives!

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