
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and my fabulous cousin Sammys birthday so I baked her a fabulous cake to celebrate with :)

But before that I started my day with a delicious My Hero Roast beef melt. Then went to a little reunion thing for the class of 2010 at the High School. Got to see a lot of "old" friends (as they wrote in the invitation) and teachers whom Ive missed (and some not missed).

After the cake baking fun I went over to Twass for a wee bit and then hopped over to Mandys. Where I did an awful job at playing bop-it. Here comes the horrible news. If you are sensitive don't read on...

We tried to get all 15 of us to go to Applebees...and we got there...and they turned us down. That's right Applebees said no to us because it was 15 minutes before they closed. That was certainly a night killer. All the girls went home while the boys are currently on their way to the city for some chicken and rice.

But when I did get home I did have a lovely surprise waiting for me on my doorstep! Which made up for the denial at Applebees and put me in a quite good mood. So thank you Mr Hung!!! =]

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! =]

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

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