Colours and carousels

By wonderland

From Protest to Snowfest.

Today was the day we had a protest againt student univercity fee's rising and abolishing EMA. I carryed out the Newcastle protest by walking out of my school along with around 400 others from heaton manor and walked right into town and continued the protest, it was great and we had a few chants one being, 'No ifs no buts no education cuts' and another being 'they say cut backs we say F**k that' it has been a great day, after the protest finished it started snowing and we went into Maccy Ds and then around town until home time. i sat at home for a while then had to dropp some things off at a friends with my other friend ^^^^^^ only then noticing just how much snow has sett and being very surprised! So i thought i would take a picture to remember this great day.
If you joined in on the protest comment to tell me how it went.

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