A photography challenge

By ldyer

A special lecture in RAG week

For everyone not caught up in the little bubble that is warwick university, this week is rag week, which raises money for charity. One thing that happened today in a lecture was a guy and girl sitting next to each other got delivered a rose and then this poem:

'Roses are red, violets are blue
Everyone can see that something is happening with you two
Love your flat mates'

I would have loved to see their faces, they might have been the same colour as the rose!

At my 5pm lecture, it was lets say a little more rowdy. A drinking game had started with people taking a shot every time the lecturer wrote proof, proposition, lemma, suppose, QED etc (this is maths, we do that a lot). The hall was a little full with a lot of extra people coming just to join in on the fun. The lecturer joined in a little when someone paid to give him a bottle of vodka. Here is the view of the studious working ;)

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