Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

I didn't know

Every year when Christmas approaches, I begin by saying "This year I am not putting up lights and doing all this stuff." and then I end up doing it. This year is basically the same thing, but instead of putting up lights outside myself, I have hired someone to do it.

"I would not put any up at all" I told Andrea, who is my very favorite neighbor, (shh don't tell anyone else) , "If only certain people didn't always do such a beautiful job and shame me into it. I don't want to be a scrooge here."

"Yes, but now you have raised the bar" she says.

"But...not at all, I got the least I could possibly get and still have them take the job."

"But..but...why?" she groaned, "I like what you always do. I like the peace doves."

I informed her it is because both Ed and I don't have the backs for the job any longer and want to visit with the kids when they are here rather than being in traction.

But, she does not believe me. It is going to be amazing over there by the time they are done. This year she has so much going on, and since taking this photo, an entire snow-family has appeared on the lawn.

She knew just what to do, as she put her very able and creative eldest daughter on the job. So, the joke is going to be on her when I have a fabulous view of her delightful lights, and she has our rather plain display which is going up tomorrow.


Later I mentioned this to one of the girls. "I didn't know there was a bar." I commented.

"You are in the suburbs, what else is there but to compete with the neighbors?" she responded.

But seriously, I don't think that goes on here. I am sure my neighbor was kidding.

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