Day by day

By LizzieBeattie

Watching landscapes

I had come to London for a reunion of Exodus clients at the Royal Geographical Society to see a slideshow of all the animal photography trips which they had organised this last year, oh and to raise money for the various charities which they support. It is a really good way of catching up with friends made on these trips. (If you recall I had been on a trip @ Svalbard and Spitzbergen and have some wonderful shots of polar bears which you can see here.)

Chris Packham was there and showed some of his images of which he is very self-critical but I would just die for.

Before coming back, I detoured to the National Theatre to see the Landscape Photographer of the Year Exhibition. The images this year are stunning, not least, I suspect because, last winter there was some real winter weather which created some excellent frosty and snow shots. If you are in the area I would really recommend you make a visit.

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