Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Austalasian crested grebe - exciting to spot

I was very excited to see this crested grebe on a little lake (old shingle pit) when I was out walking. This is on the outskirts of Christchurch so it would be amazing if they were to start breeding here! I did see one last year here, but only once so assumed it was just passing through, obviously it liked what it saw!

* Australasian crested grebes are striking, large birds with a long, sharp bill, long neck, neck ruff and prominent crest. Adults are reddish-brown with a white mask and bright, white foreneck.
* The crested grebe is found in large lakes of inland South Island.
* The crested grebe is found throughout much of the world; the Australasian subspecies is found in New Zealand, most birds breeding in central Canterbury and Otago. There has been a major decline in many New Zealand regions, except for parts of inland Canterbury.
* Numbers in New Zealand are estimated at 300-400 birds. Birds used to be found on as many as 100 South Island lakes.

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