
By dailykeith

Nice weather for ducks

Had to dip into my photo reserves today - hence another distinctly mediocre picture.

I met up with my mate cleansteve for a thoroughly enjoyable lunchtime drink down at the Crown and Sceptre and we hatched a plan to blip each other (sounds a bit odd, that, but you know what I mean!). Sadly, it didn't quite work out, but I'm sure we'll have better luck next time.

So I have reverted instead to pictures I took of a duck braving the ice on the canal next to our house.

There were actually lots of ducks and as soon as I appeared they all rushed over for food.

This is not because they can't find any, but because the neighbours insist on feeding them throughout the year - and the ducks just get used to it.

Anyway, the drink with Steve was the highlight of an otherwise frustrating day in which the aggravation caused to us by corporate behemoths Santander and 3 Mobile was finally dealt with.

All I can say is, DON'T EVER take out an internet ISA with Santander. We've spent five weeks waiting to get access to our account, with the prospect of at least three more weeks to follow. And don't get into a phone conversation with 3 Mobile - it will never end and you'll find yourself agreeing to deals you never wanted in the first place.

I wish life could be simpler sometimes.

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