Settling Down

By sloeginlin

The Light at the End of the Day

I have had the sewing machine out today. Really enjoyed it, making little things for Christmas.

We went for a walk to pick up the newspaper from the end of the road (3/4 mile) and we both took our cameras. Guess what, I forgot my spectacles! Can you believe that the photos I took today I couldnt really tell what I was taking!

We then went to visit dear mum (Alan's mum, Dora) she is 94, blind, very frail and lives in a warden controlled flat.

She has carer's obviously, but they have now been reduced to five minutes, three times a day! OK, mum still needs her dependence, but who can do what for mum in five minutes, three times a day!

She actually told us today, not to worry about her because, she has had her day and it is time for others to have theirs.

She sits all day, she can hardly work her radio now, her dexterity is so poor. She has tried to do some knitting, so I helped her with knitting dish cloths. Poor love, started off with 35 stitches, ended up with 70+.

We have a special magnifying lens in front of mum's tv, but she strains to see any sort of movement. She is so lovely, she never really complains, but she doesnt do anything. Highlight of the week is going to the hairdresser's upstairs.

Rant is what I think may be a reasonable picture without my specs.

Love to you all


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