
By tookie

I'm Pooters and I Put up with the Hooligans!

This is our very sweet black kitty Pooters---he doesn't meet the stereotype of a standoffish cat at all. He absolutely loves to be cuddled and should have been named that--but he came with his name already. We also got him from our friend Randi (friend who recently died) several years ago. She was caretaking an elderly man and Pooters lived across the street. The young man who owned Pooters was told by his landlady she didn't want him to have a cat. So Randi suggested we might want him. Pooters had had his paw detached from a machinery accident at a wee age and had it reattached. He walks kind of crooked.

My son and I played a joke on Big R for Christmas that year and had wrapped up kitty litter and carried a box in to him as a present. But actually it was just a joke as Big R was adamant that he didn't want another cat. Then two days later Randi called asking us if we would like to see Pooters and maybe adopt him. The rest is history and we ALL love him...perhaps Cowboy a bit too much and that makes Pooters constantly running away from him! We have to keep Pooters bed up on top of the piano so he can escape from the hooligan dogs! Pooters also does his very fair share of doggie teasing too:)

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