rack focus

By noahd1

Black Friday

I went to Old Navy on a tip and hint from my girlfriend on Black Friday, which I was thinking might be a mistake, and well, there were deals to be had, but it was mostly a giant mistake. If I could manage to find one photo that pretty much captured how much I hate shopping and how much I hate days like "Black Friday" this comes close to summing it up. I could tell you that the store as a whole did not look like this, but that wouldn't be the truth - in fact as I walked around the store, which I had to do, because the line snaked around the entire perimeter of the store, you could see, behind the legs and carriages and bags of shoppers, clothes ... everywhere. Sure, the dumping of clothes on the floor is a process, something that happens throughout the day, but looking at it, I couldn't help but picture a ravenous scene of shoppers tearing through clothes, twisting spirals in their eyes like you see in cartoons when someone gets bonked on the head. Get a grip people. Seriously.

On a blip note, sorry I've been so absent. I got the triple whammy of getting sick, having family visit and feeling uninspired in one shot this weekend. I don't think my venture out on Black Friday helped much on all fronts.

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