
By Chook

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Wet and windy morning in Freycinet, so our planned sunrise trip up to the lighthouse got canned.
Brief sleep-in.
Another tasty breakfast.
Hit the road.
Drove up the coast.
Brief stop in Bicheno.
Through St Helen's to Binalong Bay for lunch.
One of the most beautiful beaches I've seen, even on a relatively dreary day.
Only cafe in town turned out to serve delicious food.
Might just have to come back here one day... would be spectacular when the sun is out.
Finished lunch by 1.30, so took the high road back to Launceston, stopping for ice creams in Derby.
Airport by five.
Plane took off at six.
In Melbourne by seven and home before eight.
Lazy Thai home delivery dinner while looking through the weekend's photos.

We've had a fantastic weekend*. Thanks to both families for making it so special. Back to work tomorrow - five days to recover before the party on Saturday....

I don't think today's photo is the best of the day's shots, but a) I wanted one of J and me and b) I love the colour of the water in Binalong Bay, so this is it...

Have backblipped a bit:

Thursday: Just about the cutest laugh in the world.
Saturday: Day 1 in Freycinet. I really, really like this shot...

And... in case you missed it... We got married on Friday!

*And have eaten enough for about the next year**.
**If I were a snake...

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