Judith's photos

By Judith

Mr or Mrs Tiggywinkle?

Hubby found this hedgehog at the bottom of the garden this morning. It was on a patch of ground that's left to run wild. The hedgehog was breathing (according to hubby) but didn't seem to be going anywhere and we were worried about its chances in this cold weather. We keep a pile of leaves and twigs on this patch, so we carefully moved some of them to give the hedgehog a bit of shelter from the cold. I hope it survives.

On a brighter note, we've had loads of birds in the garden today - we've seen all the usual ones but also a wagtail, which we've only seen here a couple of times before, and a nuthatch, which we've never seen in the garden before!

Edit: thanks to everyone for your concern. It's not obvious from this blip, but he's off the ground, on a pile of old leaves and twigs. It's the most sheltered spot in the garden, with our shed on the left, next door's shed on the right and a fence that's covered with thick ivy behind. He's quite a good size too, an adult I should think. We'll do all we can and I'll keep you updated..

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