mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


We didn't have too much snow yesterday, a few inches probably. It was snowing when we got up today and got deeper as the day went on. This was taken mid morning. I'm hoping it's not going to look as bad tomorrow when I get up for work! Mr Mono cleared the car for me which will help a lot.

Aidan was quite a bit better today. He's still not drinking anything much at all but seems to be feeling better. He's been a bit crabbit the last two days but we think he's maybe going stir crazy in the house. Hopefully nursery will cheer him up tomorrow!

Broken record alert - I'm not feeling well (again). I have a really sore throat and head and generally a bit achy all over. Getting very very fed up, trying hard to keep my chin up. Tomorrow is another day after all :)

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