
By CleanSteve

Preservation that is not within our remit

Back to being a volunteer today at a shivering meeting in the Brunel Goods Shed to discuss with Angus about the specification for our electrical supply needs. We Trustees are responsible for this magnificent building, which was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and built in 1845 next to Stroud Station.

The Goods Shed worked as a key hub for the town and its industrial environs until it was closed in 1965. It hasn't been altered since then and is a Grade 2* listed building. Stroud Preservation Trust takes on old buildings, arranges their repair and then sells on their leases to end-users, whether as homes or businesses according to the situation.

The Shed has been a problem, as it is so hard to find users who can afford to be it's tenants. Recently we spent £100,000 on sealing up its entrances and repairs to its roof-lights and the replacement of an external platform. We now need another £40,000 to have an electrical supply delivered to the building!

While Angus was looking over the building to assess our needs, Camilla who is now the Chair of the Trust, noted this plaque, which previously was in a public area of the building, but which is now enclosed. We think the builders found these dead insects and preserved them on the Trust sign (using chewing gum probably). I have been organising for a group of local photographers to record the building and the recent work, so I will add them to our inventory and hopefully we will find a permanent place for them, as part of our 'museum'.

Stroud Preservation Trust

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