
By spitzimixi

better than bruises

I've spent the day trying to get my head round numbers, not my favourite activity but, I was very proud that I managed it. I finished the nasty stuff earlier than expected (many thanks to an online business terminology German/English dictionary - it's not easy filling in a form in English using data from a German audit, especially when you have no idea what any of it means in any language...) and, anyway, managed to get more of the application done than expected which means less stress than I expected on Thursday morning when I will be getting the whole package: technical, administration and financial forms plus annexes into 3 copies (one clearly marked original and one loose-bound for copying) and a digital copy too, ready for posting. I tell ya, money granted by the European Commission is hard earned!
And, after this happy stuff, I got given a letter that said I had just been awarded a pay rise! Yay!
I got home all happy, was in the middle of telling a funny story...and then the phone rang....child two had had an accident, lots of blood, please come now. Bugger. As usual, her face is smashed up, her tooth hanging out (she shoved it back into place) - she'd been catching a lift to choir on the back of a friend's bike and then they both fell off...little friend was in tears because it was her fault (she thought) that her friend was broken. I took little friend home to her mum and my Fleabag home to be mopped up. She started crying as soon as no one was around but me and shaking like mad from shock and cold, so she got wrapped up in duvets and blankets and given a hot water bottle. After a bit of well-justified wailing, she perked up and started telling jokes - even though her mouth is so swollen she can hardly speak! She rested a bit, then decided to have a bath...she managed to slurp up a bowl of custard and then went off to bed. She's a pro when it comes to dealing with a smashed up body.
Luckily, no stitches are needed - just a visit to the dentist tomorrow to get the latest accident registered so that the health insurance will pay out for all the repairs and braces that are ahead. Her teeth have been smashed three times now and they're all crooked and chipped. She reckons she should just have them taken out and a plastic set put in....

Anyway, the point is (sorry, got carried away) that I had no blip because of these distractions, so littlest had the great idea of playing the piano for me so I could blip her. This is Miss Shisha Spitzmixi playing "Jazz Hands" a song of her own improvised invention. Be glad that photos have no sound.
(and yes, that is a bruise on her face and, no, I do not beat my children, they manage to get covered in bruises by themselves)

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