The Granick Family

By DeborahGranick

I love my Children!

I love watching my kids play! Its so easy in our culture to demand to be entertained all the time! We all need play time! Grown ups too!

Whether is having Tea with Mr. Tumnus, pretending to be a chimney sweep, cowboy, king or puppy. My Children's imaginations have been running wild! The stories they come up with! The things they act out! They are hilarious! I love when they play together, they don't need much either. I am learning that. Less IS more.

I think in today's world its easy for children and adults a like to be over stimulated and over whelmed by too much noise, too much activity, too much STUFF!

I love being home with them. I love knitting and watching them line up their cars to bring "Christmas Cakes" to all the little children over the mountain. I love sewing with them, one on the petal and one on my lap - this doesn't always work - but its so much fun that even when we have to take a break, a good time has been had by all... I love the dancing, the singing, the prayer times together, everything!

I love, love, love my quiet ( or sometimes loud ) life at home with cute little ones all around me! I daily count my blessings and feel humbled and honored that God has given me these little ones!

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