Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


A slight move forward with the idea, using scanned pages from an encyclopedia printed onto tracing paper, to show a literal build-up of knowledge making the letter become clearer.

Last day tomorrow, and quite a daunting task ahead. I've got decide whether to use scanned encyclopedia pages on tracing paper, scanned encyclopedia pages on tracing paper but coloured-in slightly to show the layers between the shapes better, real encyclopedia pages which would reduce the 'layers' feel slightly but easier to do, or real encyclopedia pages that have been coloured in.

Then there's the question of whether to do this all on a lightbox, which would exmphasise the different shapes more... or stick to lighting from above. AHH.

Once I've picked one of these options, it's just a case of cutting out enough shapes for 6 letters, photographing them all in various stages of construction, and some more stuff I'm not gonna list cos it's beginning to scare me.

Damn, I just remembered the advice Mum gave me of never writing lists, firstly when doing it to see how much has gotta be done whilst panicking, and secondly, unless you plan to act of them straight away. Oops, mini-freak-out about to commence.

--- oh, animation of this one here ---

Something good: Actually very happy with the use of encyclopedia pages as the shapes.
Something new: Lots of random typography history knowledge. Good old Historical and Contemporary Cultural Studies (haccs)

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