The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders


Not a bad day, overall.

The morning was spent in many distractions-- of the poetic kind. The best kind! Instead of doing my "real" work straightaway, I spent an hour or so noodling on a few poetry triggers that I found on Dave Bonta's Morning Porch...

Dave is one of the co-editors (with Beth Adams) of the wonderful journal qarrtsiluni. He's also a dedicated bird watcher and chronicles his early morning sightings on Morning Porch.

Lately I've used some of his posts as triggers and the results are a couple of new/partly found poems (see also my Heart of the Lotus Blip from a few days back).

Anytime I can write makes me happy, like a kid tossing pebbles across the water for the sheer pleasure of watching the ripples that form.

Tonight, coming out of teaching my penultimate class this semester (a poetry workshop), I happened to glance up at the light fixtures in the lobby of my building, and quickly dipped into my purse for my camera.

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