
By TeeJay

Totem Pole

Every year the 7 Area Schools (Year 0 to 13) in our top of the South/West Coast region hold a Tournament. At each tournament the kids particpate in sports and cultural challenges and there is always some form of 'art' challenge. When the Tournament was held at our school about 10 years ago each school was sent a slab of wood to make a 'signpost' for their school. These were then incorporated into what we call The Totem Pole.

One school that is represented on it has since been put into another region, but a new area school was created in Reefton about 8 years ago and they have since joined our group.

I love the way the Totem Pole looks, with it's weathering and softening, the lichen that has taken up home on it. It stands just outside our Senior Common Room and is in an area where the students gather. You can't really see it in the photo, because of weathering and the size, but Murchison at the top is represented by our mountains and rivers.

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