A little game we like to play...

I call it "Teabag Jenga".
Stack 'em high. Whoever makes it fall over has to clear it all up and put it in the bin.

Been at home all day with James, who still was ropey as heck this morning and until mid-afternoon. Wouldn't let me put the heating on because he was too warm. Me - fingers like icicles as a result.

The snow has been teasing me all day - heavy flurries, then clear blue skies. Repeat to fade. I hear tell of snow near work, so it might be a snow day tomorrow. We will see.

Not much else to tell, except that my family tree is becoming increasingly more intriguing and I have run off down one road, only to find I had gone the wrong way. Have since doubled back and got back onto the correct path.

I wish I had a time machine so that I could hop back a generation or two, talk to my grandparents, and my great grandparents, and then pick up the research. The frustration is that information is, in theory, so freely available, but the reality is that it isn't FREEly available - so I am now awaiting copies of birth and marriage certificates from the BMD register so I can put clues together for the next step backwards in time. What I am more interested in is not just the geneology in terms of time lines and who, but actually the people themselves - their lives, their occupations and all the stuff that made them who they were. If only I could speak to them....

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