
By joe_cool

Lonely trees II

A very lazy Saturday. Didn't get up before 10! A bit of shopping this afternoon. Drove my mother to her hairdresser. Had a nice scallops dish for supper and watched a movie: "Lucky you".

Em babysitted from 1 to 9, taking care of this little beauty and her brother.

At one point this afternoon, I ended up where I took the first Lonely trees back in March. I took several pictures of the spot again. I've been trying to decide which one to blip for far too long.

I would really like to have opinions. I've uploaded 7 more pics of those trees and I would like to know which one is your favorite. Thank you for playing.

I really don't think we get enough critics around here.


Edit: At sassy's comment and after everyone agreed that the foreground posts should be out of the pictures, I did exactly that and uploaded the seven pictures again. You be the judge.

I'd like to thank everyone for their comments and welcome all others.

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