Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Twin Toadstools

This is a really great time of the year to find toadstools. I love seeing all the different kinds that grow in unusual places. These make me think of Alice in Wonderland. Last year, before I was blipping, I saw a field where there were scads (do you like my word?) literally scads of toadstools. They were all bright red with lots of perfect little white dots on them. I hadn't caught the shutter bug at that time, so I didn't really think about taking a picture of them, but I do remember being really impressed with seeing them.

We have a house in the country where there are lots of different kinds of mushrooms. One night, a few years ago, we had some friends over for dinner and when they came into our house M was carrying some long brown and white mushrooms. He was so excited to find them. He said "You had these great shaggy manes growing in your yard. Do you care if I cook them in some butter and garlic?" I just about panicked, but he assured me that he knew all about mushrooms and had even taught a class in Curry county.
So, I got out a pan and some butter and garlic for him. He cooked them and said "Do you want to taste them?" I declined, but he kept urging me to try them. So, I did. They were good.

About 30 minutes later, M started clutching his throat and stomach and made choking sounds. He said "Oh no, those mushrooms must have been bad". Well, I about freaked out. He couldn't keep a straight face.....he burst out laughing. I think sometimes I am about the most gullible person there is. Anyway, I can laugh about it now, but at the time, I was not laughing.

I thought these two toadstools were pretty cute. Thanks for viewing my page.

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