
By cracker

Port Welshpool

We made it down to Mum and Dad's last night and were able to miss the massive storm that happened in their area. Spence had a great time playing in the big puddles in Mum and Dad's driveway this morning and then we went and saw all the water flowing over Agnes Falls. I had thought that I would use that as today's third water experiment, a long exposure of the water going over. It didn't really work though because Spence had fallen over on the way down the path and had scraped his hand and wanted to be held the whole time. The day was blue skies and really sunny so I couldn't get the long exposure that I wanted either. There was too much light around.

Mum looked after Spence this afternoon, so while he was asleep Kaz and I went for a drive to Port Welshpool. I wanted to get some photos along the jetty and of the water. When we got down there we saw that the clouds were rolling in from the hills looking very ominous so I took a few sets of shots from a few different angles hoping to turn them into a HDR later. The clouds looked really cool and then we saw that it was raining off in the distance.

Kaz chose today's blip, it is a HDR using 5 different exposures. I got a few other shots that I liked and turned them into HDR's and have put them up here!.

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