
By shy

Life on a diminished pond.

Finally we get a lump of snow up here in the NW as a reward for enduring all that cold weather. The light was good and it was finally time to go down to the pond for just about the first time this year. There is only a little bit of it that is still watery and it is full of mostly ducks. The swans were content to walk pigeon-toed around the icy edge and seemed to tolerate the ducks taking up all the swimming space, although I reckon they need the warmth of all those duck-bums to keep the temperature of the water high enough to prevent it from freezing in this sub-zero climate.

Work seems a little less tense at the moment and the house is warm. We've bought all the non-perishable Christmas food treats already and are feeling quite pleased with ourselves.

but we've eaten most of it already.

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