Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

The Earth is Breaking

went out again today to the refuge for more dam pictures. The asphalt has been taken off a 50-yard section of the road over the top of the dam and the short wall in that section has been removed. This is some detail of the soil that was under the asphalt road, wetted during the rains (and a bit of snow) of the past couple days, freezing temperatures, and some drying out.

I haven't been photographing much, too busy looking for work. Both of us are frustrated that we're overqualified for many of the available jobs. We're seriously looking into going into business together, pooling our strengths and making our own way, like we'd planned to do. Circumstances are not what we wanted them to be when we made that break, but we'll work it out or not. In the meantime we still need to find work to pay our bills. The photography has been extremely slow and not dependable, so we're both looking for work, especially since the wife was the major funds provider.

Look for us at your nearest soup kitchen.

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