All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Me & My Shadow

I've felt like I've been counting down the days till the weekend all week. So I was gutted when hubbie told me last night that he had to go in to work this morning to do some overtime. Another home alone day for Ethan & I it will be then!

I went for my daily walk with Ethan in the Baby Bjorn. However photo opportunities weren't as good as on previous days as the thaw has now set in. Don't get me wrong, there is still LOADS of snow, but the trees aren't so covered in it now and the landscapes not quite so pretty as yesterday.

As usual, Ethan fell asleep during our walk and carried on sleeping on the sofa when we got home for another hour.

Hubbie got home at 2pm and then went out to try to clear the snow from my car so we could move it. Once he'd done that, I then started to clear our driveway. It was backbreaking work, but something I wanted to do rather than hubbie, so I could be out the house for a bit! Took me 2 hours to clear enough snow just to get my car parked in it - hubbies is still up the street!

Ethan is really not himself this evening. He has 3 top teeth coming through all at once and I think they're bothering him quite a bit. He's normally a pretty good eater but his eating has gone downhill this week, especially at dinner time. All I could get him to eat this evening was a fromage frais and half a kiwi fruit.

Hubbie & I both feeling very lethargic too and think we'll be going to bed at the same time as Ethan (before 7pm)!

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