Fings wot I see

By dominic

Mo Fo!

My cousin Mo came to see me today. It took her a while because trains are few and far between but she managed to trek it out to the Kingdom!

Of all my relatives I have always felt closest to Mo, both being considered black sheep we formed our own flock! She is a lot more than a blood relation, I consider one of my dearest friends and despite long gaps in visits we always pick up the conversation where we left off. Usually that conversation is along the lines of my accusing her of being a tree hugging hippy and her calling me a capitalist pig, although we realised today that she is actually earning more money than me now and is also the proud owner of an iphone 4 where as my phone gets panicked and, of its own accord, calls people randomly every 30 minutes or so :)
Love you cous! x

NB: She assures me that no Yeti's were harmed during the manufacture of her coat.

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