
Is a wonderful thing. Of all the pictures I took of Nai and her son this evening (unplanned shots, hence high ISO, due to lack of light), this is my favourite - because it captures their relationship I think - unconditional love. Even when we're grumpy, tired and life is tough, just a small shared moment with our kids can make it seem so much better.

Other things that are wonderful:

The feeling you get when you know you have done something selfless for someone else and that you did it, not because you had to, but because you wanted to make someone's life a little easier. Yeah, that feels good.

The batch of 24 homemade chocolate mousse and cream cakes that I made today were pretty wonderful too - there's only 6 left. James and Jack appeared, noiselessly, as soon as I had piped the cream onto the last one - "mmmmmmmmmmm, cake" they both said, then gave me the silent treatment "if we don't ask her, she will offer" - which I duly did. Jack barely made it out of the kitchen with his bowl before he handed it back, clean!

The cakes were made because I had promised Nai (in picture) a batch of them a while back. They must be OK - her fella had eaten 1 of them within 10 minutes of me arriving at their house this evening!

Whilst there, I also dropped round some old coats and some blankets/bedding which Nai is taking to the local Homeless Shelter next week to donate. She'll be taking quite a stash I think. In this weather, it seems right and proper to help others who don't have the comforts of home, family and love to see them through the cold winter nights.

I have known Nai for 13 years and in that time, both of us have had some significant trials. But, what strikes me about her is that she is, to me, such a bubbly, positive person - she has a laugh that is infectious and a smile that you just can't help but smile along with. Her little boy is wonderful too - and was completely interested in the camera - pose, shoot, "let me see", pose, shoot, "let me see". Fabulous - and enough to give Nai and Mike ten minutes of not having to worry about little 'un, who was very very tired - very tired children make for tears and very stressed parents. I'm wondering if she went out to get beer for Mike (who grinned widely when I suggested to Nai that she should go seeing as Mike was cooking her tea - sorry Nai, but that's what you get for telling the "sarah had a perm that turned into a ginger afro" story!)

Earlier today, the grown up son of one of our neighbours came to the door. To cut a long story short, Corin has spent most of the day helping Jason to clear out his mum's house. It flooded - pipes and cold - and his Mum is now in a care home and won't be returning to the house. No heating, no power so they were freezing whilst doing the job. I ferried brews and flasks back and forth, and made a massive lasagne so that we could invite them in and feed them. Corin has spoken to J many times, but prior to today, I had met him only once, and had never met his girlfriend. However, a helping hand and a lovely lunch has introduced me to two lovely people. I think that they were quite taken aback with offers of help and food - but I couldn't have done anything else and it would have been rude not to help.

So, I'm feeling knackered, but chilled and very content, because I feel like I have done something positive today.

James is improving. Carlos is awesomely fast when he decides he wants to climb on your shoulder (or catch a cricket).

All in all, life is good and full of love (and cake!)

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