The Pensioner

By Pensioner

I'll tell you another thing

Down to check out the boat, which I discovered was fine, once I'd removed enough snow to open the hatch. Then to Christmas shopping! That's one we have over the other religions, eh? DVDs, whisky books, smelly stuff. Mind you, better get some stuff for my relatives too, ho! Home to clear the path before being summoned to the Diggers for a teatime pint with Aj and CK. Good beers with much contentious discussion. And some very dodgy humour.
And then I put my son right on the much abused trams project. Look about at the railways and canals, the aqueducts, tunnels and viaducts in this country. If we can't build one wee tiny tram track now, then maybe we should start asking some serious questions about ourselves rather than throwing the pish of failure at each other. Goddam, it yes!

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