
By tookie

Day is Done

Cowboy says it all right here....the day is over...been a long day. The memorial for my friend Randi was lovely and her mom---my dearest friend Barb was very moved by all the kind and loving words spoken, by the many friends and family who surrounded her with love.

Later Barb wanted to know if I wanted the picture boards back....of course not I said---she wants to keep them and bring them out on her daughter's birthday. She told me they made her laugh and made her happy. I was glad as I had tried to catch the essence of her daughter's philosophy in how I did the arrangement of them.

Big R took the dogs out very early so they would be more settled while we were gone. They also got nice big bones to munch away on to keep them busy. Big R spoke on how Sadie reminded him of Randi --his original owner--kind of head strong, not always a good listener, a fierce protector of her friends (Cowboy especially), loyal and loving and savoring life:) This made us all smile.

Good night from the Pacific NW and thanks to so many of you out there who have reached out and touched our lives with your caring comments, thanks, Clare and family

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