Strange journey

By hrund


After a woman working at a gas station commented on my looks I think this little one is gonna be blip of today.
She was working at the checkout and asked me if I was taking care of a child..... uhhh yes..... well me to... I´ve got three and I goes transparent like you after all the sleepless nights!!!
Actually I was looking like a tramp. Had my down jacket on, a striped hat, running shoes and tracksuit bottoms..... was going to clean my grandmas house and was not exactly looking glamorous :p .... Changing my Christmas wish to self tanning products and some beautythingy.

Barbabelle is violet.
Barbabelle is the most beautiful. (At least it is she who thinks that!) She likes jewelry, and perfumes. She is very afraid of little hairy creatures like caterpillars and spiders, and she faints when she sees one!


ps. I´ve had this little Barbabelle forever and I think she is adorable.... my boy is not allowed to play with her..... only I.

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