Ed's Blip

By edjackson

Getting Worse

If anything the cold weather got worse today. There was heavy snowfall in the morning. I was determined to get into work so I took Orla down to Barbegs in the bushbaby with the rain cover on. She clearly enjoyed the experience and was singing nursery rhymes most of the way. It was hard work carrying her though and because I had wrapped up so well for the cold I was soaked with sweat. I had a rest in Barbegs then caught the train which was thankfully on time. There was heavy snow in Edinburgh too - picture is of Shandwick Place.

Whilst at work I heard that the M8 had been closed due to a jack-knifed lorry then that all Lothian buses had been cancelled. Contingency plans were being made for those people stuck in Edinburgh as a result. Trains to Glasgow Queen St weren't effected at all so no problems for me thankfully.

Or so I thought (late edit). The train I was on broke down at Polmont and everyone had to get off and wait for the next one. The breakdown was caused by someone activating the emergency alarm/stop (because they thought the doors weren't opening) and it not being possible to reset the alarm - don't k ow whether that was connected to the freezing temperatures. Well, I thought there's no way all these passengers are going to fit on the next train which will also be busy, so I went for a walk around. By the time I got back to the station at Polmont the next train had been cancelled and my feet were frozen. A train arrived heading back to Edinburgh so I got on - at least it was warm. I got off at Haymarket and got the next train back to Croy.

On the way home I witnessed the carnage on the roads - a car had become stuck on the hill on the way up to the roundabout from the station and was blocking all other traffic.

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