Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

And Even More


I am sure this was not forecast for today. Headline news was that all schools in Fife would be open on Monday. Looking out the window first thing this morning I had my doubts as a little blizzard was passing through. By the time 8:30 came 171 schools in the county were closed, but the village school did not appear despite young Master J pressing refresh every 5 seconds on the county website.

So he was dispatched off through the knee deep snow with instructions to text when he reached school which he duly did.

My plan for today was to redo the Christmas tree which looked like someone had emptied the decoration box over the top of it, place the drinks order for the office party and do my Christmas shopping online. Started off well enough and was just about to carefully place the baubles when the electricity went off.

Thereafter, the day went downhill, no heat, no internet and the school closed which meant young master J had to be collected (would never do to let him come home on his tod) and then when the electricty came back on chase my tail to get the jobs I had in mind done.

On the plus side - I think we got off lightly compared to the central belt, or maybe we are just more used to it :)

I could really do with this snow stuff moving on now.... :)

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