
By mandygf

as pretty as a picture?...

...but as cold as ice....

the roads were alot clearer on the way to Dundee this morning, even the hospital carpark was cleared a little more, but still all slushy....

there was a fire alarm at work today, but I was at another part of the hospital, so I didn't need to wait out in the snow till the firemen had done their thing....

home time came & the snow had stopped again for a little while, got this on the way home....

Stuart was driving home & got hit by a snowball on the windscreen by a bunch of kids & he hit the curb, he got out to try & catch them but they got away, a woman walking a dog asked him if he was looking for someone & he told her the story, she thought it might have been one of her boys so she asked hime to go back with her & see if it was, it wasn't but they thought they might know who it was & she was going to have a word with them.... could have been alot worse.....

ooh the Corrie explosion has just happened......

the wee man's mini cooper electric car, for Christmas arrived today... got to wait till he's asleep so it can get checked out..... waiting patiently......

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