Semolina Pilchard Climbing Up The Eiffel Tower*

Yep, another cat blip. It was that or sn*w and I'm pig sick of chuffin' sn*w.

Anyway, my song lyric today has absolutely diddly squat to do with either cats, baths or sn*w but does have a whole heap to do with John Lennon.

30 years ago today John Lennon was shot in New York. At the time, I had been working for a few years in 214 Oxford Street, London W1, a building that also housed Air Studios, owned by George Martin. On the morning of 9 December, and for about a week after, the front and back doors of our building were beseiged by photographers and news crews from around the world waiting to get a comment from Paul McCartney who was recording in the studio with Wings.

Bloody hell, that was a long time ago!!

*I Am The Walrus, The Beatles, 1967

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