Settling Down

By sloeginlin

Late Afternoon Sky

Hi There

Firstly let me apologise for my rant yesterday. I keep thinking that I should remove the whole blip, but something is telling me to leave it where it is. This way I will be able to look back and compare the good days and the bad ones.

I have had a pretty good day today. Went to visit mum-in-law Dora and took her a cooked meal for lunch. Then I went into town mainly to try and get an audio book for mum to listen to. Bless her, she is blind, partially deaf and nearly 95!

We are trying to teach her to operate a CD player so that she can at least listen to some stories. Reading has always been a passion, so losing her sight through macular degeneration has particularly been hard for her.

This afternoon I have made a wonderful pork pie for Christmas. Maybe I shall try and take a photograph of it. It does look very good, even if I say it myself! Crumbs Linda, that was a positive, and not a negative comment!!

I thank each and every one of you for your wonderful support.


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