Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

The case for the Defence Your Honour

The right wing media in the UK have a long-standing bee in their collective bonnet about the feckless layabouts that inhabit local authority offices. Of course anyone who works in a public body will tell you that they are decent people who work hard under tight budgets and relentless criticisim from all directions.

I work part time for a large public body, and likewise the subject of this Blip. In fact we share a small office and get along swimmingly.

Last night the heating system broke down, and the 10 or so folk in the building worked diligently all morning in real discomfort. Not once was the suggestion of packing up and leaving mooted.

The heating was back on after our 3 hour lunch break (only joking!) and none of our clients were disadvantaged.

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