a town called E.

By Eej


I went to work this morning, feeling worse than yesterday, but slightly less sick than tuesday. I didn't want to, I knew for certain I couldn't and shouldn't be there ... but I went anyway. Always feeling so responsible, and so guilty and useless if I'm not being productive.
Fortunately for me my boss was in my workspace, took one look at me, gave me a stern talking to and then drove me home. All and all I was gone and back in about 5 minutes. The cats didn't even have time to miss me. Oi.
After sleeping and dozing and watching crappy tv I felt a bit better. Yay, progress!

Still, stepping out the front door in all my sick glory, feeling the cold wind, seeing the pale sun, looking at the giant icicle farm we are producing on the front porch and taking one last photo of the tiniest thinnest piece of ice hanging down was a giant accomplishment.
So, where anyone else sees a fragile icicle, I see strength. Sort of.
(and I like its unfocused softness too. It's very me ;))

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