
By TeeJay

Hey! You! Get Offa My Flax...

A tui is two things to New Zealanders. The "Yeah, right!" beer and a native bird. Tonight I went for the native bird. They are about the size of a dove and appear black although they are actually iridescent and shimmer blue and green as they move. They have a small tuft of bright white feathers under their chins, and narrow white edging around their neck feathers, which makes them easily identifiable.

These two tuis have been visiting my flax daily but everytime I go outside to get a better shot at them, they fly away. Tonight I gave up and captured them through the window (a grubby one at that), which explains the poor quality - it meant I was still too far away so I've had to crop radically.

I have seen up to four at a time but usually they feed on different flaxes. Tonight one infringed on the other's space and a loud disagreement occurred.

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